Our blog page contains materials about the operation of our device
New way of device testing
During the project lifecycle, new features continue to cause new errors. Fork will help you deal with them.
Automate hardware tests using Fork and PyTest
How Fork save time
How will a Fork save the testing engineer's time when creating a test bench?
Fork vs 3USD
Why is one Fork better than 20 microcontrollers?
Measuring temperature and humidity using Fork and PyTest
In this article, we will look at the measurement of temperature and humidity on the HTU21D chip using Fork, which will be used in an automated stand.
Power test the STM32F0 debugging board using a Fork
When developing electronic devices, the task of functional testing of the device at different supply voltage values often arises. Fork will help you automate the testing process. In this material, we will test the STM32F0 debugging Board.
DIY - expanding the possibilities of digital craft projects with the help of a Fork.
Fork and tablet/smartphone together - a modern, reliable platform for your creativity, which is able to bring to life any of your thoughts!
Expand the capabilities of the RPi with the help of a Fork
Fork is not a competitor to RaspberryPi, but a companion.
Testing the Chinese relay using Fork and Python
In this article, we will use the Fork to examine the Chinese relay for reliability (number of switches).
Automated investigation of the transistor with a Fork
In this material we checked the input and output characteristics of the 2n3904 bipolar transistor.
Temperature control of the w5500 chip using a Fork
In this material, we will create a Fork stand that will automatically monitor the temperature of individual circuit elements.
Power test SDRAM on Fork
In this material, we have assembled a testbed on the Fork to check the power consumption of SDRAM in various operating modes.
Functional test fixture based on Fork
When the board comes out of the assembly line at the factory, it must be tested. We do this using a Fork that connects the board with needles. Here is a real stand of a real NOTA device.
The human factor or how the Fork saved 500 devices that detect cancer
In this article, we will talk about how we saved devices from being thrown into the trash with the help of a test stand on the Fork.
How to optimize production with a Fork test fixture?
In this article, we will talk about how you can free up 9 PC using the test fixture on the Fork.
Pure radiance or how to use a Fork to light an LED
In this article, we will show Fork's abilities when working with LEDs.
In this article, we will show Fork's abilities when working with LEDs.
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